Friday, February 23, 2007

WOW, here I go again on my OWN!

So, there is this new hip thing some folks are doing called Cat Painting.

No this is not a joke, some folks drop a whopping 15,000 to paint their cat like then one you see here. This is just one example of this craze that needs to be repeated every 3 months or so.

All I have to say is this.

We need to kill these stupid fucking people. I may not be a Cat person, prefer dogs myself, but this is just the dumbest thing I have ever seen in my life.

I took a moment to myself and thought, wow, in a year it costs 60k to do this to ones cat. Are there not so many better ways to benefit humanity and the cat world even with that kind of money.

How about feeding and cloth people?
Donate to needy families and children.
Donate to the ASPCA or other animal charity.

Or just, I don't know, just spit balling here, DONT PAINT YOUR FUCKING CAT.

One was even painted to look like a Reece Monkey, just buy the damn monkey you fool. I hope a neighbor watches Outbreak and kills your cat thinking he is the next Ebola carrier.

MAN, there are odd people in this world. Where is Darwin when you need him.


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