Monday, August 07, 2006

The Weekend Update Part 1

Last Friday Mike and I went to this years Comic Con Chicago down at Rosemont, This is the 3rd year we have attended and while the show overall was not as exciting as past shows, this is the first year we got to go on a Friday (Actualy we had to go, but that will be covered in part 2.

Friday was cool since a lot of the early birf specials are still available. each year there are excusive items with limited supply. By Friday afternoon (especially Saturday when we usualy go) these are long gone. But this year I got my hand on the Spectre statue (look left)

This is a Heroclix figure and to give you an idea of size, the little thing in front of him is a stadard figure (Parralax) and the Sentinel is a large figure. I was pretty excited to get my hands on one.

I also got to meet the original Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica (Face from the A-team as well) Dirk Benedict and Richard Kiel, who was Jaws in the bond movies as well as the crazy boss guy from Happy Gilmore.

All in all it was a good time except perhaps the 2 mile wlak to Mcdonalds (2 Blocks my ass Mike), but I got some good excercise and walked off about 10 pounds.

I know I am a geek but I am happy to say that Richard and Dirks signatures have been added to my wall of Geek Fame along side Sam Jones (Flash Gordon) and Mark Singer ("V" and Beastmaster)

On to part 2


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