Monday, July 10, 2006

The Weekend Report

It was a long and exciting weekend.

Saturday I hosted a Game Day at my home from 12pm-2am. We played several different games in the new "unfinished" MANTUARY basement sitting on these Beanie chairs we dubbed :Beanie Genies. A long day with about 8-10 games played and not a single fight broke out. Not bad.

Sunday Denise (My sister fo those who don't know already) and I went to my Brother Scott's house for a graduation for 2 of my 3 neices. We had not seen each other in some time and it was amazing to see who the girls had grown up since I last saw them. I also got to meet Scott's wife Michelle for the first time which was exciting.

The party was excellent although I was a bit over dressed and failed (yet again) to put sunblock on so now my head looks like a Strawberry. Small price to pay though. I did however learn some interesting things this weekend.

My brother could invade a small country with his Fireworks.
I cannot throw a Frisbee to save my life.
I can spike a volleyball as long as it's against an 8th grade girl. (sad, I know)

Anyway, off to cover my scalp in Aloe.


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