Thursday, August 17, 2006

You have a little something on your face, right there by your.... never mind, never mind.

So i have begun the habit of falling behind on updates, so to keep you all enthused here is my weekly update for August 14th. (Actualy the 17th)

I found out my older brother is having a baby. This is #4 for him and between us both 6 girls so far. For the love of GOD, lets get a little boy already. All joking aside we are very happy to hear this great news. You can never have to much Floss.

Sophia turned 3 Yesterday, and she loves going around and saying, "THREE" while holdin up her hand, with 3 fingers partially bent like some crippled hand. I think it's funny as hell. She got a ton of great gifts, and I got to hang out with some friends. Everyones a winner.

On a final note Erin and I have decided that we are going to combine all the December holidays (Christmas, Chanuka, Yule, and Solstice) into one new holiday to save time and a carppload of Money.

Starting in 2006, we will celebrate Flossmaka-Solulemas. We will combine the Christmas tree witht eh 8 nights of Chanaka, and burn logs instead of candles. I think it will really catch on in the coming years. Plus you don't have to sit on some fatman leg asking for gifts each year. Most of you think I mean Santa, but in my house it was our rich Uncle Heshi Gavant.

One last note, saw a great Jesus Fish the other day, Instead of legs that say Darwin, or one fish eating another, it was the stadard JC fish without Jesus on the middle, but Gefilta instead. All you non-JC Crew folks may have no idea what I mean, but the Hebes in the house should get the joke.


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