Monday, August 07, 2006

Weekend Update Part 2

Read part 1 below first

There may be more than corn in Indiana, but Michigan ain't got shit.

So Saturday I helped my Sister in law move from Illinois to just outside Detroit. Holy crap that is a long drive. It took us about 5 hours to get there and since I wanted to receover before coming back to work I chose to drive the whole way home as well in tyhe same day, total of 12 hours in the car.

Michigan is odd too since they let you go 70 on the freeway, but you cannot make a left turn. It's hard to explain, but basically if you want to go left on a street, you pass it first, fo into a "U" turn lane, come back and go right. Confusing as hell as I got lost at 3 different turns after we got off the highway and her new place was about .5 miles off the highway. I jsut could not get how people drove this way.

I did however get my wish and saw a Waffle house. I dind;t eat there, but I have not seen one since I drove to Florida about 17 years ago. How about that.

Anyway, no pics from Michigan so I treat you now to a filler pic instead. Enjoy.

By the way, put on over 700 miles this weekend, and not a single animal died. Accross 4 states and back my record is clean. Haza!


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