Monday, November 06, 2006

OK, MY BAD. No updates for like 8 weeks.

I am posting this to let you know I told you so. I said I would update this thing for a while then forget. So I did. You have no one to blame but yourself.

The alst few months have been super busy witha ll kinds of things going on, hence no updates for a while. I hope to get many more updates on here soon. To give you an idea of what the past 2 months have been like.

My best friend Mike and his wife Rachel had twins.
I opened an online gaming store.
I am wokring in completing my first RPG book and 2 board games.
Potty traning my oldest daughter
Finishing wedding season.
Oh, thats rights, I walso have a full time job....

So there you go. I will try to get this thing updated again soon with the normal wit and flavor that keeps you coming back for more. I am like the McRib, I go away for a while, but when I come back it is well worth it.

OOOOHHH, McRib, now I'm hungry. Bye.


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