Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Another one?

Well it seems this may the first year I read 2 books or more. I say this having not completed the second book yet which happens to be another Batman book but here is why I think I may read this one all the way through.

I am on page 147 now and I usually crap out before page 99. Once I am half way through, it seems stupid not to finish unless I think the book really sucks.

This is a narrative of a comic series I read a while back and it's cool to read the descriptions of the characters thoughts instead of just the images.

I like books based on characters I can relate to either directly or via television/comics. It's like going in already having the image and voice in my head.

And finally, I am getting a new lazyboy tomorrow and is is my dedicated comic book chair so I am thrilled to have a little place to read now in comfort so who know if I will read more "real" books in between my comics.

I know... It's the days after Easter and Passover and I am talking about Batman. Why? Cause everyone else is talking about Easter and Passover, and I thought I might try something different. Plus I do not have the pics of the girls yet from the weekend, maybe by end of week I will post a few.


Batman Rocks!

Quick shout out to Mike D who lent me the book. You do get respect Mix Master!


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