Monday, April 10, 2006

I read a book

So Erin tasked me with breaking away from only readinh comic books and try an actual novel. I am happy to say that after not reading a novel for many years I just finished a book. How sweet is the irony that the book I chose to read was in fact...

Justice League of America Batman

A story based on one of my favorite comic books. It might not be Moby Dick, but who want to read about a whale when I can read about the Dark Knight and a 5000 year old shaman risen from the dead trying to cleanse the planet of it's infestation. The infestation being MAN!

Anyway, thought I would share. My next dive into stories with no pictures is a novel about my other favorite super hero. Superman.

See you in a few weeks for the scoop on that one, assuming I finish it.


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