Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Tuesday - 30 years and 4 Days

Sorry, couldn't think of a better title.
Not sure what happened but I was sicker than a dog yesterday and went home shorty after I posted. Slelpt from about 2pm until this morning with a major headache. Still have a little headache, but not as bad as yesterday. I guess the years are catching up to me.

Erin was nervous since I had this pain in my left arm. (Heart attach anyone?) I think it was just muscle pain and it seems ok now, but even I wondered for a little while if I was taking the LONG sleep.

Found a guy in Texas who want to submit art work for the new RPG I am working on so I hope to see some of his ideas soon. Not to many replies from my request for artists yet, but I have seen some of this guys other work and it seems pretty cool.

Just a little Tuesday update, not much to report.
End of Line.


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