Monday, March 27, 2006

Birthday weekend kicked my A$$

From Friday until Sunday night was the ultimate Birthday weekend in my house.

Friday night Jo Anne, Jim, Mike, and Rachel came out for the best home-made ribs I ever had. Our fine little grill gave the best encore performance as these sweet Jack Daniels ribs did not fail to please all at the great glass table.

Saturday was also en event as I hosted a super game-day event that lasted from 12noon until 2:30am the next morning. Everyone played board/minuature games until about 5 when the pizza and kids showed up. We enjoyed a nice long dinner and social gathering until about 7 when spouses and kids went home and we played an RPG until about midnight.

Special guest prize goes to James from next door who was not only a great form a comic releaf with his dry wit, but also played all day while recovering from what we can only call a meat induced illness.

Jim and Mike stayed around until about 2:30 as we played another round of Heroscape which seemed to be the game of the day.

Finally Sunday my folks and sister came out (My mom and I share the same Birthday) and brought steaks. Better was that very morning we held a televised funeral for our first grill (a gift from my folks many years earlier) as it had finally succombed to years of abuse and needed to be laid to rest. In it's place we purchased a new grill which had it's first use that very night and performed extremely well. After 3 days of meat though, I am burnt out and ready for a vacation.

Every night was great and exactly how I wanted to spend my 30th. Extra thanks to my Wife and kids for putting up with me all weekend.

Also I need to thank all my guests. When you hit adult hood, gifts at birthdays becomes a thing of the past (like an R2D2 cake and clowns) but everyone got me something really nice and unique from a very cool Transformers wall poster to games and comic books. It really fed the big kid in me and was most generous of everyone, so thank you again to everyone for the gifts and for joining me for the festivities.
OK, back to bed now.


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