Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A small victory for the Geek in me

Each year, Erin and I switch off on giving a nice gift to each other on our anniversary. Last year I took her to see Wicked in Chicago and out for a nice dinner. this year she bought me 3 hand painted images of Superman from a guy in the UK to adorn my office and possible the completed game Den in the basement.

Well, when she saw the actual paintings she liked them so much she offered to put them up in our family Room. I did not hesitate and said yes. This marks the very first thing of mine to adorn an areas other than my office, so while it may seem like a small victory it is a step in the right direction. Plus it is so cool every time my little girls look at them and Superman!


At 8:12 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

This is not the first item of yours to adorn the house. C'mon!


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