Thursday, April 20, 2006


Or as Grig would say, "You DID IT! hrahhrahhrahhh"

I finished another book, 400 pages. That makes 2 so far this year. This ties my record.

For those of you who don't know I prefer to read informative items like news and articles, and watch my entertainment. Once exception might be comic books, but they are mostly visual anyways.

Amazing then that I read two fiction books so far this year and it's not even May yet. The recent was a Batman book and next I am trying for a new Dave record by reading 3 in a year. (I know, let's not get ahead of ourselves)

Just to give you a taste, here is what I have read in the past 6 years.

The Stone King - Adam Grant
Knightfall - Dennis O'Neil
I am not spock - Leonard Nimoy
If chins could kill - Bruce Campbell
Ashes of Eden - William Shatner
The Return - William Shatner
Avenger - William Shatner
Preserver - William Shatner
Dark Victory - William Shatner
Captains Peril - William Shatner
Captains Blood - William Shatner

See a pattern. Shatner co-wrote several Star Trek Books in a long series and were surprisingly good so I averaged two of them per year as they came out.

These are also the books I completed. Started hundreds, got about 10-50 pages in and dropped them. What can I say, it's hard to keep my attention.

Next book you ask? hard to say. Mike gave me another one to read, but Erin grabbed it since she heard how good it was, so I may have to go back to my JLA books I never read.

We shall see Zur, we shall see!


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