Friday, April 28, 2006

How sad is this?

So in another attempt to govern our Country from the abysmal black whole that is thier ass, several politicians are lobbying for higher penalties and sentences for illegal music and movie copying/downloading. Keep in mind we are not talking against a Triad ring here, but you and me.

Recently a family was charged with the illegal download of a movie and faced 5 years in prison. What made the article funny is they had no computer in the house and no ISP service. EVER! No wonder we are the target of scorn from other countries if this is where we put forth our legislative effort.

Based on the article, if the legislation passes here wil be the results.
Hit a cop - you face up to 5 years in prison.
RUN and distribute a kiddy porn ring - You face up to 7 years in jail.
Download a copy of the Ninth Gate - 10 YEARS!

Thats a lot, even for Johnny Depp.

We seem to care about all the wrong issues. We let homeland security get out of control, ban Gay marraige, and fight to overturn abortion rights for women. What happened when we used to fight for peoples rights, freedom, and pursuit of happiness. Those were good time I thought. What will the history books say in 100 years.

In 1776 we broke away from England and declared our freedom to the world.
In the 1800's we fought our own people to ensure the rights of all Americans.
In the 1940's we engaged in a world war to ensure an evil axis power did not take away the freedoms and rights of the American poeple.
In 2006,
we stripped away the rights of the people
decided all men are created equal unless that man loves another man
fought a war over OIL. OIL PEOPLE! and Gas prices were higher than ever.
Decided a woman has the right to choose unless we disagree with her.
Tapped the phones of our own people in the name of security while privacy becomes a thing of the past.
Spit on the Constitution of old in light a new, reduced fat, low carb Constitution.

OH, let us not forget.
we really cracked down on illegal downloads. Hazza!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

DVD while you drive?

So today I bought a 2 screen DVD player for the car. We really are living in the 21st century. No the kids and MOM can enjoy TV or DVD while we drive, and DAD can enjoy some peace and quiet.

Or maybe Batman on DVD while MOM drives a while.

It could happen.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I got me a recliner

We got our new furniture last night. Sweet mother of oogly googly! It is so nice to be able to rest my tires cheaks, lean back, and feel total comfort.

Sat in my new chair for hours last night. can barely move today. Appears my body was so used to being tense, that when it finally relaxed it broke.

Oh the irony!


Or as Grig would say, "You DID IT! hrahhrahhrahhh"

I finished another book, 400 pages. That makes 2 so far this year. This ties my record.

For those of you who don't know I prefer to read informative items like news and articles, and watch my entertainment. Once exception might be comic books, but they are mostly visual anyways.

Amazing then that I read two fiction books so far this year and it's not even May yet. The recent was a Batman book and next I am trying for a new Dave record by reading 3 in a year. (I know, let's not get ahead of ourselves)

Just to give you a taste, here is what I have read in the past 6 years.

The Stone King - Adam Grant
Knightfall - Dennis O'Neil
I am not spock - Leonard Nimoy
If chins could kill - Bruce Campbell
Ashes of Eden - William Shatner
The Return - William Shatner
Avenger - William Shatner
Preserver - William Shatner
Dark Victory - William Shatner
Captains Peril - William Shatner
Captains Blood - William Shatner

See a pattern. Shatner co-wrote several Star Trek Books in a long series and were surprisingly good so I averaged two of them per year as they came out.

These are also the books I completed. Started hundreds, got about 10-50 pages in and dropped them. What can I say, it's hard to keep my attention.

Next book you ask? hard to say. Mike gave me another one to read, but Erin grabbed it since she heard how good it was, so I may have to go back to my JLA books I never read.

We shall see Zur, we shall see!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I am so envious

Sean Gillette is on IMDB baby! He went to Waukegan to be an extra in a film about Star wars (I passed at the last minute. Damn me!)

Anyway he got his name in the IMDB. How cool is that. way to go Mr. G.

I hope he does not ask for more DJ money now that he is famous :)

Here is the link:

Another one?

Well it seems this may the first year I read 2 books or more. I say this having not completed the second book yet which happens to be another Batman book but here is why I think I may read this one all the way through.

I am on page 147 now and I usually crap out before page 99. Once I am half way through, it seems stupid not to finish unless I think the book really sucks.

This is a narrative of a comic series I read a while back and it's cool to read the descriptions of the characters thoughts instead of just the images.

I like books based on characters I can relate to either directly or via television/comics. It's like going in already having the image and voice in my head.

And finally, I am getting a new lazyboy tomorrow and is is my dedicated comic book chair so I am thrilled to have a little place to read now in comfort so who know if I will read more "real" books in between my comics.

I know... It's the days after Easter and Passover and I am talking about Batman. Why? Cause everyone else is talking about Easter and Passover, and I thought I might try something different. Plus I do not have the pics of the girls yet from the weekend, maybe by end of week I will post a few.


Batman Rocks!

Quick shout out to Mike D who lent me the book. You do get respect Mix Master!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Best nap in the world

I do not know what power she has, but everytime Lillian and I sit together on the couch I pass out. Her warmth and gentle heart beat seem to lull me into a deep slumber.

Good thing we like the same television since I am clearly not able to change the channel for her.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Nothing really

What can I say, there is really nothing to report. This image is one of the images for my forthcoming RPG game currently titles Evolution Earth. This is one I made myself, but I have another artist working on some images as well. We hope to go to print by end of year as my good pal Jim B. works his english skills on filler story.

Have a nice week everyone. Good Passover to you.

Monday, April 10, 2006

I read a book

So Erin tasked me with breaking away from only readinh comic books and try an actual novel. I am happy to say that after not reading a novel for many years I just finished a book. How sweet is the irony that the book I chose to read was in fact...

Justice League of America Batman

A story based on one of my favorite comic books. It might not be Moby Dick, but who want to read about a whale when I can read about the Dark Knight and a 5000 year old shaman risen from the dead trying to cleanse the planet of it's infestation. The infestation being MAN!

Anyway, thought I would share. My next dive into stories with no pictures is a novel about my other favorite super hero. Superman.

See you in a few weeks for the scoop on that one, assuming I finish it.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Chronic.."WHAT" cles of Narnia!

Erin and I watched this the other night and I really enjoyed it.

Yes there are clear ties to the Story of Jesus, yes it has underlying tones of Christianity, Yes, it is nothing like Lord of the rings...

And yes, who cares. It is a good movie in on it's own and while a couple of effects are cheesy, mostly the creature effects are really cool, the characters a fun, the white queen is creepy, and the movie is enjoyable. PC leaves it open to watch with kids since there is no blood. Some of the battle scenes are intense, but nothing over the top.

I recommend renting it if nothing else to form your own opinion. I went in thinking it would be fair at best and ended up really liking it. Never read the books so ne fear of it having to live up to it's published partner for me.

Have a nice weekend.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Poor Mike

Made the mistake of giving the girls box rides on the carpet. An hour later they still wanted more. I can only imagine how is arms must feel.

Gotta say they had a lot of fun. Get used to it Mike, your gonna have 2 of your own soon enough.

Here is how Sophia looked when he finally said no more.

Here is how Mike looked


So Erin and I went to Ashley Furniture this weekend to buy a new sofa. Figuring it may take a while we stopped for lunch first to get the girls a hamburger. There I am with the Window down eating a fry when a damn bird nearly flys into the car to grab the damn thing. I throw one out the window and next thing I know a whole flock of the buggers are there. I had my camera so I grabbed a few shots but as soon as the food was gone so where they. I think Alfred Hitchcock must have been eating at this McDonalds when he thought up the idea for the Birds.

On a sour note, while Erin and I found some realy nive furniture at Ashley in Vernon Hills, the sales folks there are like vultures, over 7 people followed us waiting for "scraps from the table" and the lady who finally helped us was slower than the speed of stupid. Messed up the order 3 times so we stayed over an hour longer then we should have had to. I am looking forward to getting the new stuff, but damn, I was it a lousy mood since the girsl were over nap time by an hour plus the whole daylights saving thing. I needed a nap pretty bad by the time it was over, but still had stuff to do. AAARRRGGGG!