How sad is this?

So in another attempt to govern our Country from the abysmal black whole that is thier ass, several politicians are lobbying for higher penalties and sentences for illegal music and movie copying/downloading. Keep in mind we are not talking against a Triad ring here, but you and me.
Recently a family was charged with the illegal download of a movie and faced 5 years in prison. What made the article funny is they had no computer in the house and no ISP service. EVER! No wonder we are the target of scorn from other countries if this is where we put forth our legislative effort.
Based on the article, if the legislation passes here wil be the results.
Hit a cop - you face up to 5 years in prison.
RUN and distribute a kiddy porn ring - You face up to 7 years in jail.
Download a copy of the Ninth Gate - 10 YEARS!
Thats a lot, even for Johnny Depp.
We seem to care about all the wrong issues. We let homeland security get out of control, ban Gay marraige, and fight to overturn abortion rights for women. What happened when we used to fight for peoples rights, freedom, and pursuit of happiness. Those were good time I thought. What will the history books say in 100 years.
In 1776 we broke away from England and declared our freedom to the world.
In the 1800's we fought our own people to ensure the rights of all Americans.
In the 1940's we engaged in a world war to ensure an evil axis power did not take away the freedoms and rights of the American poeple.
In 2006,
we stripped away the rights of the people
decided all men are created equal unless that man loves another man
fought a war over OIL. OIL PEOPLE! and Gas prices were higher than ever.
Decided a woman has the right to choose unless we disagree with her.
Tapped the phones of our own people in the name of security while privacy becomes a thing of the past.
Spit on the Constitution of old in light a new, reduced fat, low carb Constitution.
OH, let us not forget.
we really cracked down on illegal downloads. Hazza!