Thursday, March 30, 2006

Antique Road Show

So last night Erin and I went to an antique shop in Kenosha. Not my idea of a good time but show told me they had some toys and comics I might be interested in.

Toys came up a bust but I did pick-up about 30 comics at 75cents each. I had a small handful of Martian manhunters from the mid 90's when the lady working there shoed me a box hidden in a back corner.

It was filled with Green Lantern comics from the 80's so I grabbed a whole bunch. When I got home I was thrilled when I found a 1979 Green Lantern/Green Arrow crossover that is worth over $40.00 by itself. I also got the original GL issue with Kilowog (must be a GL fan to know what that means) as well as some of the GL annuals from the early 80's.

All in all I got a great deal since I priced them out and they are worth about $300.00 for the whole lot I got for about 18 bucks. Some of these will find a place of honor on my new Comic wall in my office.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


So last night Erin and I watched the new King Kong. All I can say is, dang that a long movie.

3 hours and 8 minutes to be exact and while some of the scenes were great and it is a good remake with some substantially good changes from the original and 80's remake, it is just to long. Erin and I agree you could have cut a good hour and it would have been perfect ince after w while we just got plain bored with it. It picks up from time to time and I love the box on the ship that says (danger, Sumatran Rat Monkey ) for all you Dead/Alive fans, but they need a anti-directors cut since some scenes just dragged on forever.

With Lord of the Rings I did not mind the extended versions (11+ hours) since the core material is so long and comples and it was done in a way that furhters the story and huge caast of characters. Even so, LOTR still had a theatrical version which was shorter and more fast paced to keep most audiences intrigued. I think they should have done the same thing here.

The ape was cool though and I liked Jack Black in it. Worth a watch if you liked the other Kong movies.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Tuesday - 30 years and 4 Days

Sorry, couldn't think of a better title.
Not sure what happened but I was sicker than a dog yesterday and went home shorty after I posted. Slelpt from about 2pm until this morning with a major headache. Still have a little headache, but not as bad as yesterday. I guess the years are catching up to me.

Erin was nervous since I had this pain in my left arm. (Heart attach anyone?) I think it was just muscle pain and it seems ok now, but even I wondered for a little while if I was taking the LONG sleep.

Found a guy in Texas who want to submit art work for the new RPG I am working on so I hope to see some of his ideas soon. Not to many replies from my request for artists yet, but I have seen some of this guys other work and it seems pretty cool.

Just a little Tuesday update, not much to report.
End of Line.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Birthday weekend kicked my A$$

From Friday until Sunday night was the ultimate Birthday weekend in my house.

Friday night Jo Anne, Jim, Mike, and Rachel came out for the best home-made ribs I ever had. Our fine little grill gave the best encore performance as these sweet Jack Daniels ribs did not fail to please all at the great glass table.

Saturday was also en event as I hosted a super game-day event that lasted from 12noon until 2:30am the next morning. Everyone played board/minuature games until about 5 when the pizza and kids showed up. We enjoyed a nice long dinner and social gathering until about 7 when spouses and kids went home and we played an RPG until about midnight.

Special guest prize goes to James from next door who was not only a great form a comic releaf with his dry wit, but also played all day while recovering from what we can only call a meat induced illness.

Jim and Mike stayed around until about 2:30 as we played another round of Heroscape which seemed to be the game of the day.

Finally Sunday my folks and sister came out (My mom and I share the same Birthday) and brought steaks. Better was that very morning we held a televised funeral for our first grill (a gift from my folks many years earlier) as it had finally succombed to years of abuse and needed to be laid to rest. In it's place we purchased a new grill which had it's first use that very night and performed extremely well. After 3 days of meat though, I am burnt out and ready for a vacation.

Every night was great and exactly how I wanted to spend my 30th. Extra thanks to my Wife and kids for putting up with me all weekend.

Also I need to thank all my guests. When you hit adult hood, gifts at birthdays becomes a thing of the past (like an R2D2 cake and clowns) but everyone got me something really nice and unique from a very cool Transformers wall poster to games and comic books. It really fed the big kid in me and was most generous of everyone, so thank you again to everyone for the gifts and for joining me for the festivities.
OK, back to bed now.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Saturday Jorday came out to visit. I had not seen my buddy for about 4-5 years since shortly after I got married. Mike was over and we all played catch up and then played a new game (It was Game Day after all) called Heroscape. It is for 8 years and older so we all assumed it was a kiddy miniature game but surprisingly, it was a great deal of fun and I actually want to play it again.
It was sure nice to see my friend again. Jordy is one of those unique folks that you can not see for many months or years, but pick up right where you left off talking like it was just last week.
Hopefully he had a nice time too...

Thursday, March 16, 2006

It has been several days since I posted. I just finished my miniatures game last week and have kicked into high gear trying to finish my RPG i started over 5 years ago. I finally went through years of paperwork, ideas, concepts, etc... and thought it was time to finish some of these grand ideas I have had. So if you don;t see a post for a few days, its cause my typing is going into something else.


Thursday, March 09, 2006

You have now entered MYSPACE

So I finally did it. I created a myspace webpage (Link on right side panel)
It is about 0.0% likely I will ever update it, but it was fun to setup. I much prefer my sweet little BLOG here on BLOGSPOT.

I have some old and new friends on the Mysapce though so if anything it will keep me in touch.

Got in touch with a friend I have not seen in many years who lives in Chicago. If all goes well he will be at an upcoming Gameday and we can catch up. He was one of the guys that got me into Magic and helped create our Interactive Gamers Club in High School. Say HI Jordy.

So my boredom has taken over again as I registered yet another website for my love of RPG and Strategy Gaming. I am hoping to keep it updated, but really this is a resource for myself and friends.

Check it out at

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Have you ever Googled yourself. I tried to day for the first time. Amazing thing is that entering David Floss returned over 9000,000 results, not one of which have anything to do with me. Well, At least the first 10 pages or so don't. After that I got bored and gave up. It's Sunday and not much going on in the house. Yesterday I played in a HeroClix tournement. It was pretty cool and I got to play a couple of guys from about 60 miles south of Chicago up here for the weekend. Last night we watched Star Wars with the girls since Erin and I wanted to watch something we enjoy that entertains the girls as well. Sophia just kept saying STAR WARS! Pretty cute my 2 years old loves Star Wars and Superman. Thats my kid. Lillian is next as I brainwash into loving Batman. My DC universe kids.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Spoke too soon - I know my buddy Mike will like this one. The rest of you probably think I'm nuts.

OK, I have been surfing looking for funny or cool stuff to post. I don't want to just post anything on the site otherwise I fear it will be just too damn big so I am saving this blog for only the truly choice videos. This one is the best I have seen today. If we could put this type of talent into medicine or science, I think cancer would be a thing of the past. Until then, LAUGH at prince Adam.

I found this really cool software to make mosaics. The image to the left is too small to tell, but the image of Sophia is made up of thousands of smaller images of both girls. As you zoom you can see images from the past few years. Just having some fun again.

Birthday Gameday countdown continues. Just 22 days left. The RAM commands you.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

For those of you who are not familiar with the Onion, they are a farce publication. Although a parody, some of the stories they have are just too funny since they are written and delivered as if real news. Here's a sample.

Study: Dolphins Not So Intelligent On Land
GAINESVILLE, FL—Although dolphins have long been celebrated for their high intelligence and for appearing to have a complex language, a team of researchers at the University of Florida reported Monday that these traits are markedly less evident on dry land.

According to study researchers, a group of 25 bottlenose dolphins removed from their holding tanks failed 11 exercises designed to test their basic cognitive abilities and reasoning skills.
"The dolphins were incapable of recognizing and repeating simple gestures," said study co-author Dr. Scott Lindell. "Their non-verbal communications were limited to a rapid constriction and expansion of the blowhole, various incomprehensible fin motions, and heavy tremors while they lay prone on the lab table."
After capturing the dolphins from the ocean, Lindell and his colleagues tagged them and placed them under the intense, high-wattage lights of a moisture-proof lab. The researchers then administered an extensive battery of tests designed to measure everything from the dolphins' self-awareness to their aptitude for writing and reading comprehension.

"Dolphins have a popular reputation for being excellent communicators," Lindell said. "But our study group offered only three types of response to every question we posed: a nonsensical, labored wheezing, an earsplitting barrage of unintelligible high-pitched shrieks, and in extreme cases, a shrill, distressed scream."

More of this story and stories like it are available at

New Videos

So My buddy Sean was kind enough to show me how to add embedded video to the site. There is so much crap out there but here a few choice samples for each of you. on the right hand side. I will add more if there are some really choice ones, otherwise I will just use links.

My Birthday is also coming up and I will be the BIG 30, so in celecbration of it I have created some movie posters celebrating the new decade of Dave.

As always there will be major updates to this site for a few days before I get bored and move onto something else.

So it is my first post to this BLOG. All I can say is hopefully I will add to this often, but knowing me it will be 3 years before another update. I got the idea from Sean Gillette, DJ RAZOR, who runs a pretty sweet blog himself. It's a nice way to share updates aside from jsut e-mailing folks as well as posting fun and unique stuff I seem to always find online. The image to the left is from Firefly, a show from 2002 that only ran one season. Never watched it when it aired, but saw reruns on Sci-FI and fell in love with it. More to come.