Thursday, August 24, 2006

And so I am caught up in another Sitcom...

So those of you who don;t know, I am a huge Superman fan.


So when I saw that a TV show was coming about Superman as a young man, I was thrilled until I saw it was being made by the same folks as Dawsons Creek.

Anyway, 4 years later and I have never seen an episode. I try to stay away from shows like the Sopranos, 24, and the like since I do get caught up in them, but never have the time to watch. Figure if I never see one, I won't get hooked.

Works too, never seen half the shows everyone talks about. Anyway, I prefer movies to TV anyday so it all works out.

Then 2 things happened.
I saw Superman Returns and got a surge of Super Fandom all over again for the Man of Steel
I heard Oliver Queen was going to be on the show (Green Arrow) who is another idol.

So Erin and I picked up Season 1 (Normally when I get the bug I get everything I can get my hands on, but just incase it sucked or was too "teen" Soap Opera, we stuck to 1 season.

And now...
I am totally hooked. It's like a blend of Superman, X-Files with some relationship stuff mixed in. 3 episode in and I am dying to see more.

I will say that while I like it, it's still not my favorite TV show of all time. So for those who care, here is my top 5 shows of all time.

1. Firefly - Only one season than a movie, but this show was great. It's a western in space were the main characters are smugglers an outlaws, but still seem to do the right thing (most of the time anyway) from the creator of Buffy (Although I have never seen that show either)

2. X-Files - 9 seasons and actually got worse at the end, but Season 2-6 were amaxing with never ending conspiracy and aliens. A very dark show that kept you wondering about all the characters.

3. Star Trek - The Original Series and TNG - I know, "GEEK ALERT" but the truth is this still falss under my favorites because of the characters and the friend relationships. I also have a special place in my heart for this one since it was on the first Sci-Fi shows I saw as a kid with my father. Covering modern subject on a future text made this show set 200+ years in the future seem relative to today.

4. Justice League and JLA unlimited - who cannot love a show with all your favorite super heroes made by guys who love superheros and comics. Great stories (Most anyway) and an ongoing plot that made this animated series spectacular.

5. Mork and Mindy....

Just Kidding

5. The West Wing - So to not be a total geek, I watched the show until it;s end alst year and enjoyed that while I am not political, the subject of the show and the characters did not require you to have a degree in modern politics.

Other notables.
Law and Order - 2000 years and running and finally getting a bit stale, but back in the day I could watch this for hours on TNT.
Fututama and The Critic - Funny, well amde, and cancelled - Damn you FOX.

Anyway - Gotta run. Smallville is on.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

You have a little something on your face, right there by your.... never mind, never mind.

So i have begun the habit of falling behind on updates, so to keep you all enthused here is my weekly update for August 14th. (Actualy the 17th)

I found out my older brother is having a baby. This is #4 for him and between us both 6 girls so far. For the love of GOD, lets get a little boy already. All joking aside we are very happy to hear this great news. You can never have to much Floss.

Sophia turned 3 Yesterday, and she loves going around and saying, "THREE" while holdin up her hand, with 3 fingers partially bent like some crippled hand. I think it's funny as hell. She got a ton of great gifts, and I got to hang out with some friends. Everyones a winner.

On a final note Erin and I have decided that we are going to combine all the December holidays (Christmas, Chanuka, Yule, and Solstice) into one new holiday to save time and a carppload of Money.

Starting in 2006, we will celebrate Flossmaka-Solulemas. We will combine the Christmas tree witht eh 8 nights of Chanaka, and burn logs instead of candles. I think it will really catch on in the coming years. Plus you don't have to sit on some fatman leg asking for gifts each year. Most of you think I mean Santa, but in my house it was our rich Uncle Heshi Gavant.

One last note, saw a great Jesus Fish the other day, Instead of legs that say Darwin, or one fish eating another, it was the stadard JC fish without Jesus on the middle, but Gefilta instead. All you non-JC Crew folks may have no idea what I mean, but the Hebes in the house should get the joke.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Weekend Update Part 2

Read part 1 below first

There may be more than corn in Indiana, but Michigan ain't got shit.

So Saturday I helped my Sister in law move from Illinois to just outside Detroit. Holy crap that is a long drive. It took us about 5 hours to get there and since I wanted to receover before coming back to work I chose to drive the whole way home as well in tyhe same day, total of 12 hours in the car.

Michigan is odd too since they let you go 70 on the freeway, but you cannot make a left turn. It's hard to explain, but basically if you want to go left on a street, you pass it first, fo into a "U" turn lane, come back and go right. Confusing as hell as I got lost at 3 different turns after we got off the highway and her new place was about .5 miles off the highway. I jsut could not get how people drove this way.

I did however get my wish and saw a Waffle house. I dind;t eat there, but I have not seen one since I drove to Florida about 17 years ago. How about that.

Anyway, no pics from Michigan so I treat you now to a filler pic instead. Enjoy.

By the way, put on over 700 miles this weekend, and not a single animal died. Accross 4 states and back my record is clean. Haza!

The Weekend Update Part 1

Last Friday Mike and I went to this years Comic Con Chicago down at Rosemont, This is the 3rd year we have attended and while the show overall was not as exciting as past shows, this is the first year we got to go on a Friday (Actualy we had to go, but that will be covered in part 2.

Friday was cool since a lot of the early birf specials are still available. each year there are excusive items with limited supply. By Friday afternoon (especially Saturday when we usualy go) these are long gone. But this year I got my hand on the Spectre statue (look left)

This is a Heroclix figure and to give you an idea of size, the little thing in front of him is a stadard figure (Parralax) and the Sentinel is a large figure. I was pretty excited to get my hands on one.

I also got to meet the original Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica (Face from the A-team as well) Dirk Benedict and Richard Kiel, who was Jaws in the bond movies as well as the crazy boss guy from Happy Gilmore.

All in all it was a good time except perhaps the 2 mile wlak to Mcdonalds (2 Blocks my ass Mike), but I got some good excercise and walked off about 10 pounds.

I know I am a geek but I am happy to say that Richard and Dirks signatures have been added to my wall of Geek Fame along side Sam Jones (Flash Gordon) and Mark Singer ("V" and Beastmaster)

On to part 2