Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A small victory for the Geek in me

Each year, Erin and I switch off on giving a nice gift to each other on our anniversary. Last year I took her to see Wicked in Chicago and out for a nice dinner. this year she bought me 3 hand painted images of Superman from a guy in the UK to adorn my office and possible the completed game Den in the basement.

Well, when she saw the actual paintings she liked them so much she offered to put them up in our family Room. I did not hesitate and said yes. This marks the very first thing of mine to adorn an areas other than my office, so while it may seem like a small victory it is a step in the right direction. Plus it is so cool every time my little girls look at them and Superman!

New Blog, Kinda

I started a seperate BLOG from my Game Group. New link is located in the right link panel.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Heroes to Zeroes

Cool, now I can be in a club. My power...

Antagonistic Boy!

Who am I?

We all get those 10, 50, or 100 questions email that asks you to give your favorite color and other crap, then forward it on to all your friends (all 4 of them) so you can share the detailed life info (sarcasm) and find out there favorite color or movie.

Ever hear anybody say looking over the dead body of a lost friend or family member, "If only I knew their favorite color, things would have been different."

So to address this issue, I have created the Dave Floss 25 things you should know about a person, plus their favorite color just in case.

1. Where were you born?
2. Was it planned or are you God’s little surprise?
3. What illness’ do you have?
4. Can I catch any of them from you?
5. How many sexual partners have you had?
6. How many do you regret?
7. How did you parents punish you?
8. How many scars do you have?
9. Are any of them “internal” or “emotional”?
10. Have you even contemplated suicide?
11. Did you commit suicide?
12. If you tried and failed at suicide, did it just make you feel more like a loser?
13. Are you married?
14. Happily?
15. Did you answer yes to “Happily” because your spouse is watching you or may get this email?
16. Do you have kids?
17. Do you still want them? Some of them? Waiting on an offer?
18. How much money would it take for you to leave everything you have behind after taxes?
19. Would you even kill another human being?
20. Would you do it for the right price?
21. If so, how much? Just looking to get the best value.
22. If you could change one thing about you, what would it be?
23. Really? I would have said that huge ass on two donkey legs. But okay.
24. Did you read this list hoping it was just another one of those fun, “get to know you” lists? If so, read the title and get a fucking clue.
25. Do you even know who I am/ The creator of the list, not the moron who actually sent it to you.
26. Oh yeah, what is your favorite color and why? You can actually skip this if you like, no one fucking cares. You are just another name on an old, outdated, distribution list. I say retry number 10.

WOW, here I go again on my OWN!

So, there is this new hip thing some folks are doing called Cat Painting.

No this is not a joke, some folks drop a whopping 15,000 to paint their cat like then one you see here. This is just one example of this craze that needs to be repeated every 3 months or so.

All I have to say is this.

We need to kill these stupid fucking people. I may not be a Cat person, prefer dogs myself, but this is just the dumbest thing I have ever seen in my life.

I took a moment to myself and thought, wow, in a year it costs 60k to do this to ones cat. Are there not so many better ways to benefit humanity and the cat world even with that kind of money.

How about feeding and cloth people?
Donate to needy families and children.
Donate to the ASPCA or other animal charity.

Or just, I don't know, just spit balling here, DONT PAINT YOUR FUCKING CAT.

One was even painted to look like a Reece Monkey, just buy the damn monkey you fool. I hope a neighbor watches Outbreak and kills your cat thinking he is the next Ebola carrier.

MAN, there are odd people in this world. Where is Darwin when you need him.