Thursday, January 18, 2007

Do Wii really have it so bad?

So I read an article today that said a Woman (Mother of 3) died from Water Toxification. Apparently you can kill yourself by drinking too much water in a short period of time.

What gets me worked up is she died trying to win a contest for a Nintendo Wii for her kids. It as a Wee of a Wii. A radio show hosted it and the goal was to drink the most without going to the bathroom.

So to try and get a damn video game system, not only did she goes several hours without taking a piss, not only did she drink over 2 gallons of water, but in the end she died.

Hope it was worth it for this.

I suck, I know!

So a long while back I made a comment that I would try to post more frequent following a 8 week absence. So what do I do? A nice 10 week absence after that:

To catch everyone up, here is what happened in the last 10 weeks.

I participated in a Million Minute Challenge with my board game group. Collectively we logged over 12,000 minutes (over 200 hours) and that as not including the several hundred logged by other groups I attend.

For those who do not know, Million Minute is challenge to log over 1 million minutes of family and strategy games nationwide between Sept1, and December 31. In the end over 1.2 million minutes were logged.

My group also won a price for our participation with some free games and stuff.

That took some time but we also had the Holidays in there too. Over Christmas Erin’s Bro and Sis stayed with us for several days and we did the whole Holiday thing. I even went all out this year and decorated the front of the house with Candy canes, lights, and a bunch of inflatable, including an 8 foot Hanukah bear with dreidal.
I must say it looked pretty sweet and was fun for the girls.

And as long as we are talking about the girls, they got a ton of stuff this year. Mom and Dad went nuts, not to mention all the grandparents. I have been dying for some more space as they get older, but the damn toys just keep flooding in.

Right now we are preparing for Lillian’s 2nd birthday party next week and Erin just started a new, old job. That is after 3 years of raising Kiddies, she went back to Grainger this week. I can finally take a breath and stop working one of my 3 jobs. WOO HOO!

Anyway, I will try to update more often. Really I swear. Would I lie to you?

This is the ultimate showdown, of ultimate destiny!

As I walk into a Toys R Us over the weekend I see a sign saying they have the PS3 in stock. I think, “WOW, I could totally get one and sell it on EBAY!”

Anyway, it was crap, the sign was several days old.

I then go to Best Buy with a gift certificate I got to get a game or CD, whatever. And to my surprise, one PS3 just sitting on the shelf.

Was it a demo box?

Nope, a full blown 60 gig advanced unit. Without thought or consequence, I buy it. (It was a tad more than my gift card)

Anyway, I get home all excited and go on EBAY to find out the damn things that were a couple grand over the holidays are selling for less than retail now. LESS THAN RETAIL!

So I decided to crack it open and see what all the hoopla was about. If you want to hear my take on the PS3 vs. the Xbox 360, go here:

Want some more fun, check this article I wrote on the history of video game consoles: