Thursday, July 27, 2006

It's been a while

As I have said in the past, while I may try to update this on a regular basis, I forget sometimes and weeks go by.

The last few weeks were very busy with weddings and other family events, so while I have had a lot to talk about, I have not had much time to get it all down.

This weeks big news is I got rid of the Tribute and Erin and I got a Chrysler Town and Country. A fully loaded 2006 with everything including automatic doors (Star Trek fans be amazed) as the doors open and close by the push of a button. I would never have bought such a fully loaded Mini-Van, but the price was too good to pass up and we really needed one for my business and for the girls. Finally we can all go out and have room for a passenger.

I will do my best to add another update soon with family and other events, but right now, it;s back to work.

Monday, July 10, 2006

The Weekend Report

It was a long and exciting weekend.

Saturday I hosted a Game Day at my home from 12pm-2am. We played several different games in the new "unfinished" MANTUARY basement sitting on these Beanie chairs we dubbed :Beanie Genies. A long day with about 8-10 games played and not a single fight broke out. Not bad.

Sunday Denise (My sister fo those who don't know already) and I went to my Brother Scott's house for a graduation for 2 of my 3 neices. We had not seen each other in some time and it was amazing to see who the girls had grown up since I last saw them. I also got to meet Scott's wife Michelle for the first time which was exciting.

The party was excellent although I was a bit over dressed and failed (yet again) to put sunblock on so now my head looks like a Strawberry. Small price to pay though. I did however learn some interesting things this weekend.

My brother could invade a small country with his Fireworks.
I cannot throw a Frisbee to save my life.
I can spike a volleyball as long as it's against an 8th grade girl. (sad, I know)

Anyway, off to cover my scalp in Aloe.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The 4th of July and no animals died

Independance day has new meaning for the lovely animals as I was no onvolved in the death of any animals this whole weekend.

The family and I spent the 4th at home and had some folks over for BBQ. We went to kenosha for the fireworks which were very cool but the kids had had enough having been kept up over 2 hours past bedtime.

Mush of our weekend was spent working on the yard and watching movies so all in all productive and relaxing.

I wish I had more to report, but it was really just a nice calm weekend. Back to work now.