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Friday, June 30, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Superman Returns "My faith again in Comic Book Movies"

Let me just say that I had lost most faith in Comic book movies all together. While Spiderman 2 and Xmen 2 helped pick me up a bit, I was not fully convinced they could pull off an excellent, true to the comic story, until I saw Batman Begins. In a single stroke they recreated the idea of a Superhero movie as being charater driven.
So I certainly feared Superman knowing it had the potential to suck royal and be filled with CGI and special effects but no substance.
I am happy to say this is not the case. I will not give anythine away about the plot or subplot, but I will say I loved the movie overall. It had great characters and a good story. It took a few liberties from the comics which work if you ever saw Superman 1 and 2 with Christohper Reeves as this movie is clearly not only an homage to those two films, but practically a dricet sequel. It take story elements from both of the first two films and pulls off something that Lucas failed to do. Take a 20+ year old movie and make a sequel/prequel that looks, feels, and respects the original.
Brandon Routh was very good as the Boy in Blue - having some inflections of Reeves Clark Kent, but just enough of his own style to not be a copy cat.
Kevin Spacey is a genious as Lex Luthor (No pun intended) as pulls off the super-genious/mad criminal in what I consider absolute perfection.
The rest of the characters are mostly sub-plot and fill the gps well. I especially liked the actor who played Jimmy the photographer for his little spouts of comedy in this darker (not Batman dark) Superman tale.
5 Stars for patinf respect to the Original 2 films.
An extra star for pretending 3 and 4 never existed.
10 stars for taking me by surprise (See the film to understand the polot twist)
In the end great to see on the big screen with the original opening credits style from the 1970's film and the original Jown Williams score.
Fans of the original should love this. New folks as well while ont the hard core fans may not like the "minor" deviation from the comics the movies has taken, but hey, considering how Hollywood was farked up so many films, this is nothing and still stays true to the original characters.
There is no denying, this was a great fun film and more exciting to me after 20+ years to see that Huge Red S on the screen as Krypton Explodes then the last movie I waited 20 years for that started with "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away..."
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Monday, June 26, 2006
Nothing died this weekend but my dignity

In an amazing turn of events, no animals died in my presence this weekend, although one dog did go missing. Slowly I am getting better.
This weekend was pretty standard. I Videotaped a wedding Saturday which went well until a asked Mike to start my car and run the AC to keep it cool (We were at a park for almost 3 houlrs in the sun and humidity anmd I had the other camera's in there)
I have a wireless remote for the locks, so I thought, leave the key in and let it run a while and I will unlock it with the remote.
GUESS WHAT? The Friggin remote won't work if there is a key in the ignition. So as I called my wife to meet me in MundelSlime with my extra key. My car ran for almost 2 hours with the AC running. Thank GOD I filled the tank.
Add to this the fact that the photographer took a real long time setting up shots and looked like the sleazy business guy Ellis, who sells out John Mclain in the first Die Hard, and it was all just perfect fun. "I use a fountain pen, you use a gun, what's the difference?"
Sunday I read comic books and played a board game.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Oh "Deer" God

Well another animal met with a terrible end in my presence only furthering speculation that I am the Anti-Mother Nature come to this planet to kill.
A baby deer ran onto 94 while I drove with my wife. While I did not see it get hit (nor did I come that close to it) It did make it past all 3 lanes before runnin into the mediun and just falling over from absolute terror (and the presence of the AMN - Anti-Mother Nature)
Erin was very upset, I just laughed seeing the way it missed a semi and several cars just to flop over. I suck, I know.
Fathers day weekend was spent at a photo shoot on Saturday, 2 hours outside. Not a drop of rain, but I looked soaked.
Otherwise this was a slow weekend overall and I am just glad I got a little chance to relax and watch the Bambi version of Frogger.
Still suck, I know.
Until the next animal comes across my path, this is AMN Floss.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
It's my Game Day and I'll cry if I want to

Started Friday when Seana nd I went to Sheboygan (yup, Sheboygan) for a wedding. It was like entering a new country. On more than a few times something odd would happen and the person we were talking to would just say (It's Sheboygan) So now I ammusing that expression all the time. Try it with me using the "By Mennon" commercial tag. Sha -Boy-Gan. Nifty huh!
Saturday I hosted a game day but I was in a royaly foul mood. Lillian was sick and hit 104 the night before. Erinw as gone at a flee market with Sophia, but Lilly was too sick, so she stayed home with daddy. She felt OK but Erin got home jsut as the guests arrived so no rest for daddy oh after the wedding the night before.
Game day was good, we played some new games, most of shich were a lot of fun, then things went downhill. In a combo of tired and starvation, I just got very short. Even worse, I had some wine Mike brought which made me WHINE (HAH!, I am such a crack up)
As the Role Playing Game started I had already had enough which translated into a pretty bad game (I ran it into the ground) and some tension between me and, oh, everyone.
People left at about midnight.
Sunday, Sean and I met up for a DJ job - 50th anniversary - Not too bad, but an older crown who did not dance much. (Except to Brass Monkey, a late night request, brough them all back out. How does that work?)
Monday I recovered, did not do much but compliain as the bad mood just kept getting worse, thankfully today I am much better and ready to get passed by bad game experience. Can;t do this 3 days of non-stop work from 7am to 1am. It nearly killed me as did my wife.
Anyway, Sha-Boy-Gan
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Been Away a while, here's an update

So I have not had a chance to post much of this week. James and I talked last weekend about Space Hulk, a Warhammer game from the late 80's I recall playing. We got real exciting over getting a copy until I found out it was discontinued in the early 90's and fetches 100-200 buck online. Thats a bit steep.
Forget about it you say.
I say ney, ney.
Instead I found some materials online, rules, somce simple dramwing, etc. and decided to make my own tiles, tabs etc. I got the miuatures by buying another warhammer game that came with the same mini-troops. In true Dave fashion I even created 3D model section to play with. Check them out here.
That is where I spent most of my evenings this week in preperation of Game Day this Saturday so there is not much else to say.
Hopefully some more frequent updates next week. HOLLA!