Tuesday, May 30, 2006

New Arrival

Baby Hannah was Born Friday.
Sean, Jenn, and Trent are all doing well as is the new little girl.

Congratulations to the Gillettes on thier new arrival.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Video Game Console History

Had some time on my hands today and decided to go over the past 30 years of video game consoles. I colected a ton of info that any kid who grew up on Nintendo and Atari could appreciate.

Check it out here.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The vagina monologues

Another twist of fate!

Rachel and Mike found out yesterday that al least one of the two Mini-Davi is a girl. Most likley they both are girls which would add 2 more ladies to our lives. Maybe some will like strategy board games.

One can only hope.

Anyway, congrats to Mike and Rachel on the great news. Good luck to Mike mostly trying now to please 3 women. It's a long road my friend. Stay Strong.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

It was killing season

On my way to a wedding Saturday a bird flew right in front of the truck and clipped it. In the rear view I saw it floundering and thought, "My DJ's wife is about to give birth and I just killed a bird. Like the Albatross I am totally screwed.

Anyway, Sean's wife (He's the DJ) was OK and Sean played a great show. Maybe Karma was on my side or God just hates birds. Who knows.

But that's not all.

Sunday I helped my buddy Mike (Who was with me shen I clipped the bird) rotovate a section of his yard. Suddently as we churned up earth I saw a large tuft of fur float by. To my surprise a small animal lay dead by our feet.

At first we thought it was a mouse (No Biggy) but then as we went in closer we noticed it was a baby rabbit (Eyes still closed and about the size of a small mouse)


Oh yes, we hit the whole damn nest without knowing. The next 10 minutes were spent pulling 6-7 dead (and some chewed up) baby rabbits out.

To my horror (worse then killing them by mistake) is one was still alive, but badly hurt. We placed them all in a bucket while we figured out what to do and the live one (cut pretty bad) slowly pulled itself to his brethren to stay warm and die with dignity. We waited a little bit hoping he would go fast, when it was clear he was in pain and struggling, we sped up the process out of some form of sympathy and broke it's neck (OK, Mike did this, I just dont have the stones)

They were burried in his yard and marked with a large stone.

What a crappy weekend. Especially for the wildlife.

Lesson? When Mike is around, animals die. Beware!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Leave my PC alone

Sean struck twice this wek sending out e-mails from my PC. Both have to do with sheep (I will leave it at that)

Dammit man, leave my PC alone.

That is all.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


So yesterday in true Dave fashion, Erin and I put in a Brick Patio. Through rain, and mud (you should see my pants) we laborded from about 9am until 8pm.

In the end, it looks great (especially considering this is my first one and all)

As far as the work, it is greatly rewarding however my hands or so tired I can't grip a pencil right now.

I was too tired to take a picture of it last night so I will update the post with a few when I can.

OK, my fingers hurt, I am done.

Friday, May 12, 2006

It's been a week

So I have not had a chance to post for a week, nor much to day in the past few days.

Saw a preview for Halo3 today from the E3 conferance. Pretty sweet looking I must say. Just a teaser, but the graphics they do show look pretty amazing.

That really sums up everything I have going on right now. It's Friday and I get to leave soon. Can't wait for my nice long rainy weekend :(

Anyway, later.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Superman Returns looks like another great new DC movie.

OK, so I just watched the second trailer and...

HOLY CRAP! This looks sweet.
I was totally nervous about a Superman movie being he is my hero and I am such a huge fan of the original, but WOW.

Looks like Singer did an amzing job of creating a new story but paying great tribute to the original story. This feels more like a "GREAT" sequal to the original with Reeve and Kevin Spacey looks awesome as Lex Luthor.

June 30th cannot coma fast enough. Have not been to the theatre since Batman Begins, looks like I will be going back soon.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Defying Gravity and Common Sense

2 tickets to the show $170.00
Program: $20.00
Memorabillia book: $40.00
Parking in the City $25.00
Gas: $35.00

Seeing the very gay guy in front of me weep like a little girl through the whole thing:


Erin and I saw Wicked Sunday and for all my complaining about going into the city, I had a real good time.

The show was real good and the stage work and performances were excellent. The flying Monkeys rocked. I even enjoyed the music now having some context to go with them (Erin had the CD and I weas not impressed when I first heard it)

A nice couple (2 guys) in the front row had seen the show at least 5 times and one still wept through the whole damn thing. It's all good though since I will say that we were so close to the stage I got some Witch spit on me when she sang. How wicked is that?