Monday, June 18, 2007

Fathers Day Chonicles.

Well I woke up Sunday to my little girls saying Happy Fathers Day. I had no idea it was this weekend so it was a cool surprise.

I asked Erin what she wanted to do. We had not had a weekend "off" in several weeks with the girls so we had both been taking advantage of this weekend to spend time with the kids and each other.

She replied, "Anything you want, it's fathers day."

SWEET, I thought.

So we started by going downstairs and having some grub together. The girls wanted to play outside ever since we took them out Saturday and played in the water (He had a water slide and a little water entertainment blow up thing which they loved. We then went to the beach were they got to play in the sand and walk along the water on the beach.) However since they and I both got a little too much sun, I decided we would go out for a while.

I had wanted to pick up a book by Rutger Houer (Blade Runner) se we went to Barnes and Noble where we got a few books and pre-ordered the new Harry Potter. I also got a book by Alan Alda called, "Do not get your dog stuffed and other life lessons" I have wanted for some time. I read very few books in a year asside from the comic variety, but I really enjoy Biography books for some reason. Nice to see even famous folks have issues I guess.

We proceeded to go to Toys R US, where I got a few action figures to add to my collection and the girls got a few toys and dolls for upcoming Bithdays and Holidays.

From here we stopped for lunch at a Gyro place I like and then off to home. The girls took a nice little nap. I started to read, taking advantage of the couple hours of peace this afforded me.

10 minutes later I was alseep.

We all woke up around 3pm and made our evening plans. Everyone ate dinner, but I was still stuffed from Lunch, so after they ate we went out to get some Dairy Queen, the girls first Ice Cream cones. Nothinf is better then seeing the eyes of your child open wide at the site of ice cream. They giggled when they realized they could eat the cones too. It was good times.

We went home and played out back. Suddenly the sprinklers which I had on a timer went off and both girsl went into a frenzy of enjoyment, running in the sprinklers and getting soaked. By the time we noticed (a few seconds) they were dripping wet, so instead of getting upset, we grabbed the camera and just let them enjoy this rare moment of getting wet and muddy.

We went inside, wathced a little TV with the girls and sent them off to bed. Erin and I followed soon after watching a bit of Ghost Busters, tired from our adventure...

All I can say is it was a great Fathers Day spent with my Family


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