Thursday, November 16, 2006

Halo can kiss my A$$

So i started playing this new game Gears of war. It;s a third person shooter game for the Xbox 360. Well all I can say is, HOLY CRAP.

I have been a fan of FPS games since I played Halo on the XBOX. Since then the only game to come close in my book was Halo 2 until now.

Besides sporting graphics that are just unbelievable, the game play and story are excellent as well. It's easy to pick up and play, and the action is contstant so two hours go by in a hearbeat. I have played about 10 hours already and still have a ways to go in the game.

The HD graphics are mind blowing, almost real, and the gore is... well... really gorry. You shoot a guy in the head, it explodes, stump only. Knock a bad guy over and you can Curb Stomp him. They even swear in the game so it is not for kids (or when the kids are around) since the F-bomb came up a few times.

Anyway, between this and the HD-DVD player I got, I have not been outside for the last few weeks. Better stop soon or I may forget who my kids are.


Monday, November 06, 2006

OK, MY BAD. No updates for like 8 weeks.

I am posting this to let you know I told you so. I said I would update this thing for a while then forget. So I did. You have no one to blame but yourself.

The alst few months have been super busy witha ll kinds of things going on, hence no updates for a while. I hope to get many more updates on here soon. To give you an idea of what the past 2 months have been like.

My best friend Mike and his wife Rachel had twins.
I opened an online gaming store.
I am wokring in completing my first RPG book and 2 board games.
Potty traning my oldest daughter
Finishing wedding season.
Oh, thats rights, I walso have a full time job....

So there you go. I will try to get this thing updated again soon with the normal wit and flavor that keeps you coming back for more. I am like the McRib, I go away for a while, but when I come back it is well worth it.

OOOOHHH, McRib, now I'm hungry. Bye.