Sunday, August 10, 2008

Mr Floss goes to Charlotte - Day 1

Oh Look. Charlotte!

Well I left this morning from Chicago O’Hare. I have not been looking forward to this trip much. I have a super full work week with several items I am on the hook to deliver so there will be little socialization taking place while I am here. I was hoping to get in early and at least enjoy some looking around on Sunday. This is not to be…

First, I get to O’Hare and park. No biggy except I see a better spot and decide to move my car. Seems the car disagreed with me and will not let me shift out of park. After about 15 minutes I decided it will just have to wait until I get home. (I did find out there is a bypass I can do, so hopefully that will work)

Next the flight was awful. The plane was about the size of my mini-van with wings. It was a moderately rough flight until we started to descend and it was like flying a chopper into a combat zone. I don’t like to fly to begin with, so this was like a personal hell. After we landed, the plane was moving to the terminal, and either had new breaks or a far sighted pilot. It was jerk and move, jerk and move. I think we were late and there was no open terminals, so we exited the plane on the outside of the terminal. (I am loving this trip more and more)
Next I get my rental car. It was supposed to be a Mitsubishi Gallant EX, some sporty deal. (I did not pick this, the agency did) I get to the spot and guess what… NO CAR!
I walked back to the office and they insist the car is there. I argue a bit and they finally accept my word and give me another car. It is a Ford Escape Hybrid – I will never buy one of these but that is a blog for another day…
So I am driving to my hotel about 20 minutes from the Airport. I will say this for Charlotte, a major city in North Carolina… If Chicago took a shit in the South East… It would look like Charlotte. Charlotte is to Chicago like the croissandwich is to French Cuisine.

The hotel is the only place that seems ok. Room is fairly large with a Kitchenette and a separate sleeping area. It has a pool and a hot tub so maybe I can get in some relaxation at night.

Fun Fact for day 1. I packed only 4-5 movies to watch on the plane. I get to the hotel and there is DVD player (Sweet!) I put in a movie and turn on the TV. Here is the creepy part. The movie I put in is The Hunt for Red October. It is playing about 3 minutes in which is finesince I had gone to the bathroom. Suddenly, a Commercial. What the hell is this.

No Lie, The TV was on AMC which had just started playing the same exact movie… So I put in Krull just to see if the luck continued. It did not…

So I am off to Dinner now (Fine dining at the local Bob Evans or Denny’s. I will not be posting any pics after today (the one above is from the official Charlotte Website. I have my camera but forgot the device to take pics from the camera to the Laptop.

Check in later.