Thursday, March 15, 2007

I am a fan of the redheads

So Erin let me setup one of my old fish tanks. The trade was I had to pick up an entire winters worth of Dog Crap, but hey, I got my fish.

It's a simple tank (for me anyway) of freshwater fish. I am not ready to setup another saltwater tank, nor do I have the cash for the fish to fill it, so I kept this one simple.

A few goldfish, a few mollies, but then I saw two things that really caught my eye.

And they are freshwater adding some variety to an otherwise very normal fish tank.

First is Blotto - and Grotto the slugs.

Blotto is shown here in a black shell, and Grotto looks the same in white.

Then I added the ultimate fun for my tank. Reginald, My African Dwarf Frog

All in all, a unique and satisfying tank to get me back in the eternal bond of tankhood.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Save Big Money! At Menards!

It was a Menards weekend.
Saturday I went there for some 2x4 lumber and some other odds and ends to clean out my garage and build the work table I have been wanting since I moved in. I spent most of the day out there and cleared away all the dirt and mess from Winter so I can finally get to some of the other projects I have been wanting to do.
Sunday, I went to my brothers to help put in some tile. I figured it would be a few hours since it was just a small room and we had a wet saw and everything.
I was way off...
We started around 10:30 and I left close to 6:00. Granted, we ended up doing a good bit of plumbing first before the tiles, and there were some killer crazy cuts to be made, but for 2 amateurs, it came out damn good. My only problem now is am dead tired.
All in all, no weekend is a bad weekend when you get to make several trips to Menards.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Hide your kids

"Warning, this blog contains harsh language so if you have a problem with profanity

I suggest you go FUCK yourself."

Your doorbell rings...

You are not expecting anyone...

You walk to the door...


Some A-hole is looking in your window to see if you are there.

Worse, it is some "fucking puke" who give you the sad story of, "I was hooked on crack and did not contribute to society, so now I help other kids like me by selling magazine subscriptions to help them get off the streets BLAH BLAH BLAH."

And these dicks don't like to take no for an answer. I do not want to buy magazines, nor do I want some jerk looking in my window, especially a former Crack Head.

get off my fucking lawn.

Not to mention, its all a scam and most of these kids HAVE TO DO THIS as part of their parole or community "dis" service.

Honestly, can't these kids just clean up the trash on the streets an not bother me. I once had one who said he purposely picks homes that say do not solicit on them, just to prove a point. I replied with...

What point was that, that your a fucking idiot?


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

The Wii's Have it

In another impulsive buy this weekend I got my hands on a Nintendo Wii. I had never even seen the Wii and have not been a huge Nintendo fan since I prefer more adult games and graphics on the 360 and PS3, but hey, they actually had one and there I was. So now I have one.

All I can say is this little thing (almost the size of a portable DVD player) rocks. The graphics are fair at best, and the games seem very childish so far, but this thing is just plain fun. I have been playing the little sports game (Tennis, Bowling, Baseball, golf, and boxing) and it really is just plain fun to play with the motion sensor controls. To bowl for example, you hold the controller just like the ball and swing your arm. It can eve tell if you twist your wrist to add spin to the ball. Very cool.

I got one game, SSX, a snowboarding game. To jump you throw your hands up like your jumping, to sp[in, you spin.

All in all, very enjoyable. The only down side is that it shows how out of shape I still am since an hour of bowling almost killed my and I can barely move my arm. Just like real bowling, except no waiting for the ball return.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Photo Junk

Owen Fox sent this over to me and I just had to post it.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

It would right side up in Australia

So on the way in today I saw

not 1

not 2

but 3 separate pick-up trucks turned upside down on the toll way. Not even in the ditch, but in the lanes and center median. We had some hail, ice and rain this morning and the drive is sucked big time. I just took my time and prayed I made it here alive.

I did in case you wondered.

Glad I still have m "Low the ground" car.