"Warning, this blog contains harsh language so if you have a problem with profanity
I suggest you go FUCK yourself."
Your doorbell rings...
You are not expecting anyone...
You walk to the door...
Some A-hole is looking in your window to see if you are there.
Worse, it is some "fucking puke" who give you the sad story of, "I was hooked on crack and did not contribute to society, so now I help other kids like me by selling magazine subscriptions to help them get off the streets BLAH BLAH BLAH."
And these dicks don't like to take no for an answer. I do not want to buy magazines, nor do I want some jerk looking in my window, especially a former Crack Head.
get off my fucking lawn.
Not to mention, its all a scam and most of these kids HAVE TO DO THIS as part of their parole or community "dis" service.
Honestly, can't these kids just clean up the trash on the streets an not bother me. I once had one who said he purposely picks homes that say do not solicit on them, just to prove a point. I replied with...
What point was that, that your a fucking idiot?